Sunday, March 30, 2008


I have been to a couple of seminars now that have included information about wikis and have always wanted to "give it a go". Council's Customer Service Manager has developed an A to Z about Council using word and I have always thought that it would lend itself really well to a wiki. I think I now have the confidence to show her how we could use wiki to make her A to Z more user friendly :) It would definitely have to be a closed community and may have to be put on our Intranet, but I think it will be very beneficial.
I have also thought about putting our staff manual as a wiki...something to think about.
I liked the book club putting their reviews on a wiki...another thing to think about!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Excellent idea for a Council wiki! And I think procedures manuals etc are made for wikis.


P.S. Steve looks like my kinda cat!