Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Answer boards and social networking

I don't have a lot of faith in answer boards - who knows what responses you will get and who is responding. I think answer boards are good for people that want an opinion about something, but I notice that many of the questions being asked were about factual things. For these questions I would prefer to search for the answer in wikipedia etc.
I think it is very commendable of those Librarians taht are 'slamming the boards'.

Tagging etc

Well, I now have a account and have put a Shelfari on my blog (I like how this is presented as a bookshelf ).
It is becoming a bit daunting about how many things are out there that you can do people keep up?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Videos Online

What a great way to let people know about your library. A bit labour intensive to actually film something and put it on YouTube, but I guess where there is a will there is a way...although I may have difficulty in convincing my staff to be in it!
I have always enjoyed the funny side of YouTube and I can now appreciate other uses for it.